by kylie.goodwin, 6 years ago

How to have 'that' talk pre trip and what to expect on destination!

So your son/daughter is heading on their trip of a lifetime and naturally, as parents, you have your concerns! We understand talking about sex can be a little daunting and potentially awkward. That’s where our partnership with NSW Health (Play Safe) comes in! Helping young people make informed decisions while on Grad Trip by providing parents and students with the information and resources necessary to have safe, healthy sex if they choose to!

Your child’s Grad Trip may involve a lot of “first times”. Whether that be heading overseas for the first time, scuba diving, or engaging in sex! Whatever it may be, our Crew are committed to ensuring all students do every ‘first’ in the safest way possible. Whilst our Crew cannot take responsibility for their actions, the Crew can assist in guiding the students to make responsible decisions, alongside pestering them to put on sunscreen, drink water, and check-in with home every few days (thank goodness I hear you all say!).

As much as you may not want your child to engage in sex for various reasons, there is a chance that sex may occur at some stage in their life. It’s important your child feels comfortable with their decision, uses protection, and feels like they have someone to chat to about any questions or concerns they may have.

NSW Health (Play Safe) will be supplying condoms in Fiji, alongside resources encouraging students to get STI checks when home in Australia. Giving young people condoms and information makes them more likely to delay having their first sex experience, and to make healthier decisions.  If you chat to your son/daughter openly and honestly about what sex is, the importance of protection, where to buy condoms, and how to go about getting STI checks, the better and SAFER their experience will be.

NSW Health (Play Safe) has a bunch of information on their website about sex, the dos and don’ts and all the in-betweens. Alongside this, parent information sessions are held in your area from time to time! You can register here for more information. Or check out the NSW Health (Play Safe)  website or the Talk Soon. Talk Often guide for more information.


Read more about 7 Ways to Play Safe on Schoolies

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