HSC Survival Guide

by Kyle Bahr, 6 years ago

HSC. Those three little letters with such weight to them for high school students in NSW.

Unleashed believes the HSC shouldn't be so stigmatised, and we're here to help break that stigma with some positive ~vibes~ (as well as some handy tips and tricks) to help get you saying HSCya later sooner than you think.



We like to do things a little backwards here. So, instead of straight up telling you to create a strict study regime and stick to it, we just want you to remember that exams aren't the end of it all if you don't get the results you're after.

Don't forget: you're stronger than you think.

Use that mental willpower to push through this. It's such a small section of your life which you'll look back on and think: "damn, that actually wasn't so bad."

There's always a way to reach your goal, even it it takes a bit longer to get there. The HSC is just one stepping stone out of high school into bigger and better things! And don't forget your epic trip to Fiji with us will still be waiting for you on the other side of those couple of weeks!


And NOW we'll tell you to make that study schedule.

Any form of set timetable should ideally help to keep yourself accountable for the amount of study you need to do to feel on top of things.

According to various sources, the average student studying for final exams should be revising anywhere between 15-20 hours a week. This may seem like a lot, but spread over 5 days a week, it should average out to around 3-5 hours per day.

Break that down into subjects (one per day), it should start to feel a lot more manageable.

Although everyone's way of learning and revising is different, other tips and tricks we recommend include: study groups, shower/bathroom summaries, and flash cards.

Firstly, study groups can be dangerous, but used productively, they can help students who take the same subject hash out main points to focus on early in the revision process.

Next, shower and bathroom summaries are amazing tools to use for key definitions, diagrams, equations and quotes you need to memorise. Print these bad boys off and stick them to the bathroom door for a quick sit-down-sesh.

Lastly, make some flash cards with key notes and get your sibling(s)/parent(s)/friend(s) to go over them with you.

Need some inspo for your study timetable? Click here for a colourful example, or here to generate your own custom study schedule!


Downtime is so important in everyday life, but even more important when study makes up most of your schedule during the HSC.

Take a 20 minute nap, watch your favourite TV show, call your friend, meditate, do something active, get outside (!!!), listen to some music, take some deep breaths, go for a walk, think about your Unleashed Grad Trip, eat a yummy snack to reward yourself.

All of the above is beyond important when dedicating yourself to your exams. Take time out for you to take care of that noggin!


Whether that be sport, shopping (c'mon, it's therapeutic), hanging out with friends, painting, walking your dog, swimming in the ocean, reading a book, planning your next trip away, or laughing at relatable HSC memes, just get out there and do something you love!

Self-love during this time is essential. You'll thank your future self for this lovin' later.


If you feel like you're struggling to keep your head above water, there will always be people willing to help. All you have to do is reach out.

Mental health is 110% more important than pushing yourself too hard, especially when it comes to schooling.

Talk to your friends, family, and pets. Call a help line if you would rather someone anonymous to talk to. They're there to listen without judgement and can really help if you're feeling overwhelmed.

We can guarantee that if you reach out, someone will be more than happy to help. This includes us at Unleashed!

Feeling overwhelmed during the HSC? Reach out using the links and numbers below.

Lifeline 13 11 14

Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

Kids/Teens Helpline 1800 55 1800

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