Protect yourself from the sun using sunscreen, clothing and sunnies. You don’t want to spend the week in pain because you didn’t wear sunscreen on your first day at the beach!
Be safe in the surf. Make sure that when you hit the beach you swim between the flags. If you see a yellow flag, it means there could be potentially dangerous conditions. If you see a red flag it means danger and not to enter the water.
Don’t ever drink and swim – alcohol is responsible for 1 in 5 drownings.
Know how to respond in a rip. A rip is a strong current running out to sea and can quickly take you out of your depth. If you get caught in a rip:
1. Relax, stay calm and float. Do not try to swim against the current. Instead swim across it.
2. Raise an arm to signal for help.
3. Float and wait for assistance. Don’t panic.