Get to Know Your Grad Trip Superhero!

by Amy Davis, 7 years ago

The most epic week of your life has arrived! You have just finished the HSC and you’re ready to let your hair down on Grad Trip! But before your trip starts, there is someone I’d like to introduce you to that will help you Play Safe on Grad Trip!

Meet our special guest and your Grad Trip best friend, Condoms! Condoms are like your little pocket superhero – you’ll want to carry one and know how to use it properly!

Here’s why…

  • I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, “wrap it before you tap it”, “no glove, no love”, the list goes on… But condoms honestly are the best protection against STIs and at the same time prevent unplanned pregnancies.
  • No other contraception protects you from STIs.
  • Do you remember year 10 health class when you had to put the condom on the banana? Well it’s time to brush up on your skills because condoms are most effective when used properly.Take those few extra moments to ensure it’s on properly (hyperlink and remember the lube!
  • STIs don’t always have symptoms – so you can’t tell who has one. Trust is important but STIs can affect anyone.
  • If you’re not planning on having sex, it’s still a good idea to carry condoms. You could use one to waterproof your phone, use one as an instant glove if you drop something in the loo, or if you need to protect your shoes – emergency condom socks…

…See condoms can keep you safe in loads of situations!

We’ll be making sure condoms are available while you’re on Grad Trip so be sure to carry them and know how to use them. 

And if it does break – don’t panic… there is a health clinic on island. Plus STI testing when you get home is no dramas. We’ll tell you more about that another time. If you want to know more before you go then check out Play Safe (hyperlink or ask Nurse Nettie.

I’m speaking from personal experience here, so definitely check out the links listed below for a deeper explanation on condoms, STI testing and much more!

Looking for more info? Check it out here:

Play Safe:


Nurse Nettie:


And most of all, remember to Play Safe on your Grad Trip!


Amy xoxo

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