It’s not a yes, unless it’s a hell yes!

by Kyle Bahr, 6 years ago

It's not a yes, unless it's a hell yes! 

Grad Trip is easily going to be one of the most exciting times of your life. But with excitement comes new, intriguing experiences which you may not be prepared for, especially in a country away from home.

We at Unleashed have done this a few times now, and there’s not much we haven’t seen. While it can be easy to get swept away in all the fun, it’s important that if you do find that special someone, that you make sure they’re having as much fun as you are.

It’s super important to feel comfortable and safe when it comes to sex, and a really easy way to do this is by familiarising yourself with these simple steps:

  • Be sure this is what you and your partner both want. In other words, it’s not a yes unless it’s a HELL YES! Whether this be gaining consent verbally, or through physical cues such as touching and flirting, make sure it’s a hell yes. “Maybe” or any uncertain physical or verbal cues around sex is a no. Unsure? Just ask! There’s nothing wrong with asking if this what you and your partner both want, and takes all the guess work out of the picture.
  • Make sure both you and your partner feel comfortable. Communication is key! Vocalising how you feel and what you need to do to be comfortable, relaxed and in control of your situation will make all the difference.
  • Check back in on your partner to make sure they’re still feeling great about what’s going on. Just because they said yes to begin with, doesn’t mean they can’t change their minds. Keep that talking up!
  • If alcohol is going to be a part of your Grad Trip there may be a chance that while under the influence of alcohol, people will agree to things, or engage in things they would not usually do. Especially regarding sex.
    This is so important: if your partner is drunk, they cannot legally consent. If your partner is unconscious, they cannot legally consent.
    Keep each other safe and regret-free by leaving it until the morning, when you can be sure that this is what you both are excited to do.
  • Be respectful of your partner’s boundaries. It’s ok for someone to consent to one thing, but not another. This is especially important on Grad Trip because you’re meeting so many new people, and everyone is different!
  • Condoms! Keep them with you all the time. In your room, in your wallet, in your pants, in your bra, wherever you need to store them to make sure you and your partner are staying safe and using the right protection.

Another thing to remember is that the Unleashed Crew are here to help. No question is off limits – so don’t worry about any awkward questions! If you’re not sure about something, just ask. That’s what we’re here for, and we can help you make an informed decision, or help you when you may be feeling out of your depth.

Need more info about consent and how to NSW Health (Play Safe) on your Grad Trip? Head over to the NSW Health (Play Safe) website.

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