Schoolies Week Statistics

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Ever wondered exactly what goes on each year at Schoolies? How many fellow school-leavers were also having the time of their lives at the same time as you, how many...

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Why You Shouldn’t Go to the Gold Coast for Schoolies

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

The British pair had been travelling around Australia and were excited for a trip to the Gold Coast. While they had heard of Schoolies, they weren’t exactly sure what it...

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My Fiji Grad Trip over Schoolies anyday!

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Being in our last years of school for good is something my friends and I are super stoked about, so we wanted to suss out a way to go out...

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Ultimate Guide to Surviving Schoolies Week

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Here’s a look at the national schoolies site’s Guide to Surviving Schoolies Week, based on contributions in the Schoolies Forums. Toolies and leeches When you head to places like the...

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Best Beach Safety Tips For Schoolies Week

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Protect yourself from the sun using sunscreen, clothing and sunnies. You don’t want to spend the week in pain because you didn’t wear sunscreen on your first day at the...

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How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Go to Schoolies Week

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

You’re often walking a fine line between fighting for your right to party, and giving your folks peace of mind. Here are some tips to convince your parents to say...

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