Ultimate Guide to Surviving Schoolies Week

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

surviving schoolies week

Here’s a look at the national schoolies site’s Guide to Surviving Schoolies Week, based on contributions in the Schoolies Forums.

Toolies and leeches

When you head to places like the Gold Coast for Schoolies Week, it’s not just your fellow school leavers looking to celebrate. With thousands of teens all in one place, many adults take advantage of this and pester schoolies by trying to pick them up, get into fights and rob them of items. Others try desperately to sell you things or get you to join their religion. It’s generally a good idea to stay away from anyone not 17 or 18.


Schoolies on the Gold Coast comes with an extremely high risk of getting into a physical confrontation – more than any other time of year. According to the stats, the most dangerous nights are the first Saturday and the Friday and Saturday at the end of the first week, when thousands descend on the glitter strip.

Groups of guys are particular targets, especially if there are a few big guys in the group. If anyone tries to bait you, just don’t react. As soon as you say something, all hell could break loose so be the mature one and just walk away.

Risk assessment

When entering a situation or scene, scan around and do a quick risk assessment. If it looks volatile – get out!


Make sure you know the house rules, reducing the risk of you being kicked out after just a couple of days at Schoolies or having to pay extra. Also ask about security, but don’t lay too much trust with security by leaving valuables with them.

Drink spiking

The Gold Coast has long been associated with drink spiking, so never leave your drink unattended and ensure you party with your closest friends. That way, if the worst were to happen and your drink did get spiked, at least your friends can watch over you.

Sexual assault

Sexual assault is all too common on the Gold Coast. Stay safe by never going anywhere on your own and don’t let friends go off with strangers. These are just a few of the dangers that come with destinations such as the Gold Coast, Byron and the Whitsundays, so make sure you do your research before your bags are packed!


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